Utah: The Rill Dill



A pack for folks who are in Utah, but not of Utah. You don’t have to be Mormon to understand, although if you are confused, there are two young dudes you should meet.


In June of 2022, a handful of decks from the original printing (rhymes with “More Manatee” were discovered. They are listed here under the variable name “Discovered.”

In July of 2022, it was decided to close out the remaining stock of decks that were printed and finished by hand. These decks have been listed and will not be restocked. They are listed as “Discontinued.”

In August of 2022, a limited run of reprinted decks that have been printed and finished professionally with full color backs and shrink-wrap will be offered for a limited time. The price will increase to reflect the upgraded finishing and printing, but will remain the same as the other decks until August 6, 2022. These upgraded decks are listed as “Upgraded.”

Contains: 125 white cards and 25 black cards.

Handmade in Utah in lieu of Family Home Evening.


Additional information


Discovered OG Decks, Discontinued Printing, Upgraded Printing

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